Sustainability: creating training and employment opportunities for women

Sustainability: creating training and employment opportunities for women

Read about our efforts to promote sustainability through creating training and employment opportunities for vulnerable women.

London through India: our journey

London through India: our journey

Read about our journey to understand more about the social and economic empowerment of women in India, from the northern state of Punjab to the southern state of Karnataka.

Fast-fashion: the cost

Fast-fashion: the cost

Read about the high cost of fast-fashion for many of the women making our clothes and for our planet. 

Rana Plaza: an eye-opener

Rana Plaza: an eye-opener

Read about the horrific collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh in April 2013, with over 3000 mainly female garment workers inside.

Gender equality: current status

Gender equality: current status

Read about why, even in 2021, we still need to act to support the social and economic empowerment of women, both in India and across the world.